Ontario Invests in New Disinfectant Wipes Production Facility in Barrie
BARRIE – The Ontario government is supporting a nearly $10 million investment by Empack Spraytech Inc. in a new disinfectant wipe production facility in Barrie, with more than $1.2 million in support through the Ontario Together Fund.
Keeping Families Healthy! Empack Launches A New Brand Of Hand Sanitizer
Brampton, Ontario – January 01, 2013 – Empack is proud to announce the launch of zytec Germ Buster, a new brand of hand sanitizer products. The new brand is designed to offer families and [...]
zytec Germ Buster Takes Hand Care Up A Notch! Introduces Moisturizing Care To Its Product Line
Brampton, Ontario – May 16, 2011 – Empack Spraytech Inc., the manufacturer of zytec Germ Buster Clear gel hand sanitizers has announced the launch of a new category of hand sanitizers in its [...]